Петар Луковац


Катедра за електронско пословање

Термин консултација


  • 2022., мастер инжењер организационих наука, Универзитет у Београду-Факултет организационих наука

Додатно звање

  • 2021., дипломирани инжењер организационих наука, Универзитет у Београду-Факултет организационих наука

Одабране референце

  • Labus, A., Barać, D., Lukovac, P., Despotović, V., Simić, M. Modeling Blockchain System For Fashion Industry, WorldCIST’23 – 11th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 4-6. april 2023., Pisa, Italy. https://worldcist.org/, M33
  • Lukovac, P., Simić, M., Radenković, B., (2023). IoT system for smart beekeeping. E-business Technologies Conference Proceedings 15-17 June, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023. M33
  • Nudin, S., Labus, A., Lukovac, P., Suvajdžić, M. (2023). DApp for Food Traceability Based on PyTeal and Algorand. E-business Technologies Conference Proceedings 15-17 June, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023. M33
  • Rodić, B., Labus, A., Despotović-Zrakić, M., Lukovac, P., Simić, M. An ecosystem for smart cities based on blockchain, 6th International Scientific Conference on Digital Economy DIEC 2023, 25.08.2023., Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. https://ipi-akademija.ba/file/diec-6-online/189, M61
  • Miletić, A., Lukovac, P., Radenković, B., & Jovanić, B. (2022). Designing a data streaming infrastructure for a smart city crowdsensing platform. E-Business Technologies Conference Proceedings, 2(1), 61–64. Retrieved from https://ebt.rs/journals/index.php/conf-proc/article/view/128, M33
  • Lukovac, P., Miletić, A., Radenković, B. (2022). Designing a Blockchain-Based E-Business System for Tracking Honey Production, In: M.Mihić, S.Jednak, G.Savić (eds.) Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era, 18th International Symposium SymOrg (pp. 188-189), ISBN: 978-86-7680-411-5, 11-14 June, Belgrade, Serbia, https://symorg.fon.bg.ac.rs/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Book-of-Abstracts-Symorg2022.pdf, M34
  • Lukovac, P., Miletić, A., Radenković, B. (2022) A System for Tracking Organic Honey Production Using Blockchain Technologies, in М. Mihić, S. Jednak, G. Savić (eds) Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era, Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-18644-8, M14
  • Stanisavljević, N., Stojanović, D., Miletić, A., Lukovac, P. Bogdanović. (2023) Z. Internal Stakeholders’ Readiness for Developing Smart Railway Services through Crowd-based Open Innovations, ICMarkTech2022, 1-3 December, Santiago, Spain, 2022. accepted for publication, M33
  • Bogdanović, Z., Despotović-Zrakić, M., Labus, A., Lukovac, P., Radenković, B. (2022). IOT AND BLOCKCHAIN IN MONITORING HONEY PRODUCTION. II Международная Научно-Практическая Конференция «Развитие Сервисной Деятельности в условиях Цифровизации Экономики: Актуальные Проблемы и Их Решение»> 29 Апреля 2022г. M63

Учешће на пројектима

  • 2023 – present FON Podcast, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. Role: Planning and organizing podcast topics and multimedia content
  • 2022–present UF Blockchain Lab, Algorand Foundation, Project ID: 36038, Role: Junior Researcher, Developer
  • 2022 – Elab Summer School, Department for E-business, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. Role: Teacher
  • 2022–2023 Prekvalifikacije za IT, United Nations Development Program, Role: Training assistant