Универзитет у Београду – Факултет организационих наука

Универзитет у Београду
Факултет организационих наука

Позиви за конференције

Назив конференције Датум
FUTURE-BME 2024 CONFERENCE 30.10.2024. – 31.10.2024.
Reshaping Work 2024 23.10.2024. – 24.10.2024.
The 10th Balkan Conference in Informatics 04.09.2024. – 06.09.2024.
35th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 18.09.2024. – 20.09.2024.
KOI2024 International Conference on Operational Research 25.09.2024. – 27.09.2024.
XIII International Conference on Economy, Business & Society in Digitalized Environment (EBSiDE 2024) 20.09.2024. – 22.09.2024.
19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems FedCSIS 2024 08.09.2024. – 11.09.2024.
International Conference on Operations Research 2024 03.09.2024.- 06.09.2024.
27th Excellence In Services International Conference (EISIC) 29.08.2024.- 30.08.2024.
The 28th European Conference on Advances In Databases And Information Systems ADBIS 2024 (6th MADEISD Workshop 2024 – Modern Approaches In Data Engineering And Information System Design) 28.08.2024. – 31.08.2024.
84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 09.08.2024. – 13.08.2024.
Big Data in Economics, Science, and Technology conference – BEST 24.07.2024.- 27.07.2024.
ISBIS 2024 – The Power of Statistics, AI and Machine Learning in Business and Industry 11.07.2024.- 13.07.2024.
15th Metaheuristics International Conference 04.07.2024.- 07.07.2024.
The Antecedents and Impact of Sustainable Entrepreneurship: An International Perspective 02.07.2024.- 03.07.2024.
33rd European Conference on Operational Research 30.06.2024. – 03.07.2024.
Triple Helix & ACEEU 2024 Conference 26.06.2024.- 28.06.2024.
EURAM 2024 Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges 25.06.2024. – 28.06.2024.
CNN Tech 2024: Bridging the Future of Experimental and Numerical Investigations with Cutting-edge Technologies 24.06.2024. – 27.06.2024
Philosophy of Management Conference 21.06.2024.- 24.06.2024.
XV Srpski matematički kongres 2024 (15.SMAK) 19.06.2024. – 22.06.2024
2024 BALAS Conference: Innovation Ecosystems for Business Developmen 18.06.2024.- 21.06.2024.
R&D Management Conference 2024 17.06.2024.- 19.06.2024.
15th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business 22.05.2024.- 25.05.2024.
28. Internacionalni kongres iz upravljanja projektima “Upravljanje projektima u digitalnoj dekadi“ 16.05.2024.- 18.05.2024.
International Conference on Sharing Economy and Contemporary Business Models: Theory and Practice (IC-SHARE 2024) 10.05.2024. – 11.05.2024.
Lincoln Entrepreneurship and Innovation Colloquium (LEIC) 09.05.2024. – 10.05.2024.
Data Analytics: Future Career on Demand, The 5th International Statistical Conference in Croatia 24.04.2024.- 26.04.2024.
43rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Organizational Sciences 22.03.2024.- 24.03.2024.



The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and 
Technologies (ICMarkTech’23) 30.11.2023. – 02.12.2023.
NEW HORIZONS of Transport and Communications 2023 24.11.2023 – 25.11.2023.
Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future 09.10.2023. – 10.10.2023.
Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation, PaKSoM 2023, 5th Virtual International ConferenceKOI2024 International Conference on Operational Research 23.10.2023. – 24.10.2023.
33rd IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2023) 16.10.2023. – 18.10.2023.
34th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems CECIIS 2023 20.09.2023 – 22.09.2023.
17th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia 20.09.2023 – 22.09.2023.
50. симпозијум о операционим истраживањима „SYM-OP-IS 2023ˮ 18.09.2023. – 21.09.2023.
ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference – ENTRENOVA – 14.09.2023. – 16.09.2023.
CNN Tech International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies 04.07.2023. – 07.07.2023.
36th Bled eConference 25.06.2023. – 28.06.2023.
International Conference on Operations Research, Business Analytics, and Data Science 22.06.2023. – 24.06.2023.
3nd E-business technologies conference (EBT) 15.06.2023. – 17.06.2023.
The 2023 International Conference on Marketing and 
Tech27. Internacionalni kongres iz upravljanja projektima “Interdisciplinarnost kao ključna karika projektne profesije”nologies (ICMarkTech’23) 08.06.2023. – 10.06.2023.
Economics of Digital Transformation (EDT) DIGITOMICS 08.06.2023. – 10.06.2023.
12th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2023) 06.06.2023. – 10.06.2023.
11th Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPS&IoT 2023) 06.06.2023. – 10.06.2023.
4th Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (CPS&IoT 2023) PSIoT’2023 06.06.2023. – 10.06.2023.
1st Montenegrin International Conference on Economics & Business 25.05.2023. – 27.05.2023.
28th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management 18.05.2023. – 19.05.2023.
14th International Conference “Challenges of Europe 17.05.2023. – 19.05.2023.