Predavanje prof. dr Veljka Milutinovića na Univerzitetu u Beogradu – Fakultetu organizacionih nauka

Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da prisustvuju predavanju prof. dr Veljka Milutinovića, pod naslovom: ,,Scientific Soft Skills, Project Management, Creativity, and Professional Orientation“ koje će biti održano u sredu, 12. aprila, sa početkom u 16 časova, u sali D404, na Univerzitetu u Beogradu – Fakultetu organizacionih nauka. 

Cilj ovog predavanja je da se ukaže na složenu metodologiju upravljanja projektima koja posmatra istraživanje i razvoj kao elemente lanca koji povezuje teoriju i praksu, kao i davanje odgovora na ekonomska i društvena pitanja tokom životnog veka velikog projekta. Predavanje će biti usmereno i na predstavljanje teorije kreativnosti koja je primenljiva u širokom spektru oblasti nauke i inženjerstva, kao i na rešavanje mnogobrojnih pitanja i problema iz ovih oblasti.


Prof. Veljko Milutinovic received his PhD from the University of Belgrade, spent about a decade on various faculty positions in the USA (mostly at Purdue University and more recently at the Indiana University in Bloomington), and was a codesigner of the DARPAs first GaAs RISC microprocessor and the DARPA’s first GaAs Systolic Array with 4096 GaAs processors. Since 1990 he taught and conducted research at the University of Belgrade, in ECE, MAT, MBA, and Civil Engineering departments. He served as the Senior Advisor to Maxeler Technologies of London, UK, and he serves as the CEO of IPSI Belgrade founded by IPSI Fraunhofer of Darmstadt, Germany. His research is mostly in datamining algorithms and dataflow computing, with the stress on mapping of big data algorithms onto emerging fast technologies and energy efficient architectures. He also teaches a soft-skills course. He leaded 10 projects sponsored by various EU sources. For 20 of his publications, forewords were written by 20 different Nobel Laureates, with whom he cooperated on some of his 40 past industry-sponsored projects. He published over 40 books (mostly with the major US publishers) and over 100 SCI journal papers (mostly in IEEE or ACM journals). He has about 2000 Thompson-Reuters citations, about 2000 SCOPUS citations, and slowly approaches 6000 Google-Scholar citations (currently at

Google Scholar: h=40, i10=100+, i100=10+, and i444=1).



  1. Milutinovic, J. Salom,

„A Guide to MindGenomics,“

Springer, 2016.

  1. Milutinovic, F. DJordjevic, M. Kotlar, J. Salom,

„A Guide to LifeTime Management in Science and Engineering“,

IGI Global, 2023 (in preparation for production).

  1. Milutinovic,

„The Best Method for Presentation of Research Results,“

(Google search hit #1 out of a million, for „Best Method“),

IEEE CA NewsLetters, March 1995.

  1. Milutinovic,

„A Good Method for Presenation of Research Results,“

(Google search hit #1 out of a billion, for „Good Method“),

IEEE CA NewsLetters, September 1995.

  1. Milutinovic,

„On the Creativity in Science and Engineering,“

IPSI Transactions on Advanced Research, 2015,

  1. Blagojevic, …, V. Milutinovic, at al,

„Creativity Methods in Science and Engineering,“

Advances in Computers, 2016.


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